CSN SA consists of the key organisations that provide a range of targeted carer support services to unpaid family carers living in South Australia, and who are committed to using the Carer Support model as the basis underpinning how these services are delivered. Network Members sign an MOU which outlines how the Network operates.
CSN SA purpose is to;
- Influence policy direction regarding the role of carers, including young carers (children and young people under 25).
- Influence the establishment of quality and consistent specialised carer support services.
- Inform Government through the relative portfolio departments about the issues impacting on carers and their families and highlight emerging trends in carer need.
- Promote the Carer Support Model as best practice for carer support at State, National and International forums.
- Advocate for the improvement of access to and availability of, essential support for carers, and the person they care for, across South Australia.
CSN SA has;
- In excess of 12,000 active carers registered with the collective member organisations.
- Established and expanded carer support centres and programs across South Australia.
- Actively contributed to the development and establishment of the SA Carers Recognition Act 2005 and the 2011 review of the said Act.
- Supported the development of the Mental Health Unit Plan and the introduction of the Carer Support Model into the Mental Health Sector.
- Assisted in the development of the SA Office for Carers and its mandate.
- Maintained an advisory role to the SA Minister responsible for Carers and the linked Portfolio Departments through ongoing participation in the Carer Round Table and the SA Carer Advisory Committee.
- Instigated and developed the Carer Support Model over 20 years in consultation with carers.
February 2013.
Carer Support Model:
The carer support model is based on the recognition of the value of caring and the need for carers to maintain a balanced quality of life.
It recognises that carers are unique individuals capable of shaping their own destinies, and seeks to provide support by walking alongside carers to help them find the strength and information they need to maintain their caring roles and life styles.
The key characteristics of the model are:
- Aligned with social justice principles, and is directly linked with the SA Carers' Charter and the State Strategic Plan.
- Carers are partners in service provision.
- Carers form a majority of members on the Board of Directors or Steering Committee of member organisations, including executive positions (I.e. Chairperson/Vice Chairperson) within this structure.
- The focus is firmly on the carer and their health and wellbeing.
- Support is designed to help overcome the isolation and disconnectedness that carers may feel within their role, and to ensure that carers are given the opportunity to link with other carers.
- The support provided is always carer-driven; carers are listened to and the role of the service provider is to facilitate meeting the identified need.
- The carer is supported to develop resilience in their caring role.
- Information is provided that is relevant to their caring role and which will help them to access the support, services, information, and/or skills training they need.
- The carer-driven support activities provided by member organisations are positive and encouraging, and designed to assist the carer to express their own personal interests, separate to their role as a carer.
- Carer Support organisations form strong partnerships with other service providers and community organisations for the benefit of carers. Such organisations are locally based, community owned and managed, and directed by carers.
Carer Support Organisations:
Carers Link Barossa and Districts - view information
Carers SA - visit website
Carer Support and Respite Centre - view information
Northern Carers Network - visit website
SA Country Carers - view information